DickinsonLibrary: Don Quixote-Death of Don Quixote-1864
DickinsonLibrary: Don Quixote- "Oh, my long-wished-for home!"-1864
DickinsonLibrary: Don Quixote- "Hold!" cried he, 'friend Sancho; stay the fury of thy arm' "-1864
DickinsonLibrary: Don Quixote- " 'Sleep, Sancho,' cried Don Quixote; 'sleep, for thou wert born to sleep.' "-1864
DickinsonLibrary: Don Quixote-"They passed that day, and four more after that, in such kind of discourse"-1864
DickinsonLibrary: Don Quixote-"Here fell my happiness, never to rise again."-1864
DickinsonLibrary: Don Quixote-"They found him pale, and in a cold sweat."-1864
DickinsonLibrary: Don Quixote- " 'Tell me, thou oracle', said he,'was what I reported of my adventures in the cave of Montesinos a dream or reality?"-1864
DickinsonLibrary: Don Quixote-"Two ladies made their court chiefly to Don Quixote."-1864
DickinsonLibrary: Don Quixote- "Don Antonio's wife had invited several of her friends to a ball, to honour her guest"-1864
DickinsonLibrary: Don Quixote-"Enclosing him in the middle of their brigade, they conducted him towards the city."-1864
DickinsonLibrary: Don Quixote- "Don Quixote stayed there, waiting the approach of day."-1864
DickinsonLibrary: Don Quixote- " 'Thus it is I punish mutiny,' said he."-1864
DickinsonLibrary: Don Quixote- "the squires left Don Quixote, Roque, and Sancho to wait their return"-1864
DickinsonLibrary: Don Quixote-"Don Quixote, mounted on Rozinante, declaiming very copiously against their way of living."-1864
DickinsonLibrary: Don Quixote- "He called out to Don Quixote for help."-1864
DickinsonLibrary: Don Quixote- "He told the gentlemen the whole story of her being enchanted." -1864
DickinsonLibrary: Don Quixote- "a clear fountain, which Don Quixote and Sancho found among some verdant trees, served to refresh them." -1864
DickinsonLibrary: Don Quixote- "They trampled them under foot an unmerciful rate."-1864
DickinsonLibrary: Don Quixote- " 'Now, sir, if you please to afford us your company, you shall be made very welcome.' " -1864
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