32Groove: Into the Dark of the Night
Rudike: Eye for detail
SnapsByTodd62: The mysterious case of the fog in Chicago
Peeb OK: A Capitol Sunset- Oklahoma City, OK
sniggie: She said my linear universe was too linear
SnapsByTodd62: The Vessel
big thanks 4 comments and faves.: To my Amazing Flickr friends
dr_marvel: Canada geese in flight
Small and Beautiful: Hydrangea Slider :-)
tucker.tterence: Liverpool One
tucker.tterence: Church st
KaAuenwasser: Der Mäusebussard
Greatoutdoorman: Early flight
@wilder_action: We are lucky these aren't human sized
photo516: Solstice Sunrise
ralfkai41: The light finds a way - Das Licht findet einen Weg
KaAuenwasser: Teichhuhn
Martin Bärtges: Like a little snowflake
Toni GV: Time is Running Out.
maddenkeving: Reindeer and Ornament
#Sacho#: Into the sun
Not.Another.Front: When you face me