tersha53: allium seeds02
tersha53: m glory copy
tersha53: wills
tersha53: treefrog
tersha53: nant yr arian 03
tersha53: IMG_0842
tersha53: 20141007-20141007-Wills
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tersha53: IMG_1476
tersha53: Kings Cross
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tersha53: 20150908-Aberhosan-2
tersha53: boa constrictor
tersha53: 20150926-wild moorland pony
tersha53: 20150926-wild moorland pony-5
tersha53: 20150926-wild moorland pony-3
tersha53: 20150926-wild moorland pony-2
tersha53: 20151014-abertstwyth
tersha53: values
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tersha53: 20150531-teasel
tersha53: hawk feather 6
tersha53: 20151228-seedhead-2
tersha53: silhouette on the Waen
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tersha53: epiphyllum 17
tersha53: Aberystwyth pier
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