tom manley: 012jpg
nighteve84: "How do I want to feel, I wonder"
fuzzirella: Day 180: Flame ran away, rain is falling in the night
sarafaus: queria
Ralph Krawczyk Jr: Hallway (Clockwise + Reversed)
Stink Poop: T shirt in color
thomaswiborgthune: Diamond Footprint
thomaswiborgthune: Blow Your Hearts Out
**sirop: look girl 'pen'
kygp: airports in the morning makes me feel at home
stuartofwar: Another view.
stuartofwar: Dark Hallway.
Stink Poop: 78/365
urbex oldy: sunday2
gguillaumee: *Marianne*
gorbot.: me with eyes, shel exits bathroom
leannelimwalker: shades of me
Gordon -C-: heebie-jeebies
Stink Poop: 73/365
Stink Poop: 69/365
Z0L1TA: Carbon Footprint Graffiti
irishroadrunner: Processional Walkway
butterflyshapes: Scotland