40k painting: Ultramarine primaris (wip1)
Rafael Mattick / acrylomatic: Lord-Celestant on Stardrake, Stormcast Eternals, Age of Sigmar
Celsork: WB Contemptor 10
neojarlaxe: Tzaangor
neojarlaxe: Darkoath Chieftain
neojarlaxe: Darkoath Chieftain
neojarlaxe: Kairic Acolytes
neojarlaxe: Genestealer Hybrids
neojarlaxe: Genestealer Hybrids
neojarlaxe: Patriarch Genestealer Cult
neojarlaxe: Patriarch Genestealer Cult
neojarlaxe: Patriarch Genestealer Cult
neojarlaxe: Skullgrinder
neojarlaxe: Slaughter Priest 2
neojarlaxe: Slaughter Priest 2
neojarlaxe: Exalted Deathbringer
neojarlaxe: Exalted Deathbringer
neojarlaxe: Slaughter Priest
neojarlaxe: Slaughter Priest
neojarlaxe: Aspiring Deathbringer
neojarlaxe: Gorechosen
neojarlaxe: Gorechosen
neojarlaxe: Gorechosen
neojarlaxe: Gorechosen
Flasher.exe: Daemon Prince of Slaanesh
Flasher.exe: greater daemon of slaanesh
Flasher.exe: Culexus Assassin
Flasher.exe: Wight King
Flasher.exe: genestealer cult
Flasher.exe: genestealer cult