dgangle: American Badger - high res close up
dgangle: Eastern Gray Squirrel - with lunch
dgangle: Eastern Cottontail Rabbit - high res close up
dgangle: Eastern Cottontail Rabbit - eye in the spotlight
dgangle: Eastern Gray Squirrel - hanging on by a fingernail
dgangle: Eastern Gray Squirrel - looking for the camera
dgangle: Eastern Gray Squirrel - high res head shot
dgangle: Zebra - grazing
dgangle: Longhorn Steer
dgangle: Javelina
dgangle: Javelina - on the hillside
dgangle: Donkey - in the desert
dgangle: Striped Skunk Pair - hiding two babies between them
dgangle: Eastern Gray Squirrel - up close
dgangle: Armadillo
dgangle: Elk Buck - still in velvet
dgangle: Baby Raccoon - one of three
dgangle: Raccoon - head shot
dgangle: Squirrel - hanging on for dear life
dgangle: Nutria - posing for the camera
dgangle: Male Eastern Red Bat - hanging upside down in the bushes
dgangle: Eastern Chipmunk - up close
dgangle: Squirrel - hiding in the mulberries
dgangle: Elk - up close
dgangle: Elk - in velvet
dgangle: Buck Elk
dgangle: Elk - still in velvet
dgangle: Buck Elk
dgangle: Raccoon - up close
dgangle: Curious Raccoon