dgangle: Black Wasp - macro/close up (Explored 9–1-2024)
dgangle: Black Wasp - on the flowers
dgangle: Two Black Wasp - on the flowers
dgangle: Cicada - close up head shot with it's shell
dgangle: Cicada - just climbed out of it’s shell, waiting for it’s wings to dry (Explored 8-9-2024)
dgangle: Blue Dragonfly
dgangle: Fiery Skipper - with the tongue extended
dgangle: Common Paper Wasp Nest - “too” close up
dgangle: Bumblebee on a Golden Columbine Blossom
dgangle: Snowberry Clearwing Moth - collecting pollen
dgangle: Snowberry Clearwing Moth - on purple blossoms
dgangle: Fiery Skipper - with the tongue curled
dgangle: Fiery Skipper
dgangle: Black Bee - on a purple blossom
dgangle: Green Bee - on a thistle blossom
dgangle: Giant Swallowtail Butterfly - on a thistle blossom
dgangle: Giant Swallowtail Butterfly - in flight
dgangle: Spicebush and Giant Swallowtail Butterflies - on a thistle blossom
dgangle: Spicebush Swallowtail Butterfly - on a thistle blossom
dgangle: Giant Swallowtail Butterfly - on a thistle blossom
dgangle: Banana Spider - on the web
dgangle: Bee on a Flower - up close
dgangle: Monarch Butterfly - high res close up
dgangle: Bee - high res close up
dgangle: Bee on a Flower (Explored 11-9-2023)
dgangle: Bee on a Pink Flower
dgangle: Gulf Fritillary Butterfly on Lantana Blossom - high res from below
dgangle: Gulf Fritillary Butterfly - on a Turks Cap Blossom
dgangle: Green Grasshopper - high res close up
dgangle: Gulf Fritillary Butterfly