Gabe Aceves: Crystal + Robert
Stu Meech: Reach up for the sun
aestheticheart: morning coffee.
kendra,my dear: I just want a chance to fly
J. Quazi King: V. in Brooklyn
Creative Silence™: 22-52 *chocolate*
diyosa: Happy Friday
diyosa: laughs
The Vision Beautiful: Shadow Figure.
Wali Uqdah: Bleh.
ArtTiana{TianaCHE on Etsy}: Beauty Parade Fashion Glamour Felted Merino and Silk Huge Scarf/Cowl/Neckpiece With Hand Pleated Frill Accent Huge Pearls Beaded
La Crème Cupcake: Black Heart Wedding Cupcakes Missoula Wedding Photographer Missoula Wedding Photographer
doublecappuccino: Cel & Matt do Stinson Beach
-Teddy: family time
-Teddy: Miss
michelle.k.: Welcome summer
cel.: A baby is something you carry inside you for nine months, in your arms for three years and in your heart till the day you die.