Mike in Buchan: Aurora, Lonmay, NE Scotland
Mike in Buchan: IMG_8584_edited-1
Mike in Buchan: IMG_8527_edited-1
Mike in Buchan: Great Spotted Woodpecker
Just Me BN: Chubby and South Falls
Eclipse 2010: nubem candidam
Tom Malone1: 060711_0368
Eclipse 2010: R0010021
Eclipse 2010: R0010018
Mike in Buchan: DSCF9758
Mike in Buchan: Guillimot
Mike in Buchan: Herring Gull
Anna Kwa: Peponi III (Paradise)
ashperkins (dont follow me i`m lost): should have gone specsavers
Anna Kwa: Touch Me Not....A Shy Beauty
Mike in Buchan: Whitethroat
Mike in Buchan: Hare two paw washing
Simona Pellegrini: Sta per sbocciare un papavero...
Mike in Buchan: Meadow Pipit
Mike in Buchan: Short-eared Owl 3
diamondlake1: DSC02677-001