Exmoor Mare: Swifts are back...
Exmoor Mare: flight of the bumble bee
Exmoor Mare: Whimbrels by the dozen!
Exmoor Mare: some things you cannot bring home with you
Exmoor Mare: Storm !!
Exmoor Mare: Whimbrels again!
Exmoor Mare: I've spotted a gap in the market!
Exmoor Mare: Greenshank
Exmoor Mare: House sparrow HFF!
Exmoor Mare: don't let those eyes fool you..
Exmoor Mare: gather the fragments
Exmoor Mare: male wheatear
Exmoor Mare: the early bird seeking out those worms
Exmoor Mare: All Saints Bryher
Exmoor Mare: Stinking Porth
Exmoor Mare: Sculptures on Tresco
Exmoor Mare: Abbey Garden flowers
Exmoor Mare: We weren't the only gannets in the area!