Exmoor Mare: playtime in the kiln
Exmoor Mare: test tiles from thursday's course
Exmoor Mare: recycling
Exmoor Mare: learning outcomes..
Exmoor Mare: birch and elm
Exmoor Mare: 2mm float messing about
Exmoor Mare: Rachel & Rich had an idea...
Exmoor Mare: each one is different!
Exmoor Mare: two experiments/latest attempts from the kiln
Exmoor Mare: two experiments/latest attempts from the kiln
Exmoor Mare: two experiments/latest attempts from the kiln
Exmoor Mare: it's a Xmas production line deer!
Exmoor Mare: 50% of yesterday's firing
Exmoor Mare: another exmoor stag!
Exmoor Mare: sliced (for ODC)
Exmoor Mare: Warm (for ODC)
Exmoor Mare: On the table (for ODC)
Exmoor Mare: any glass can act as a lens of sorts!
Exmoor Mare: "and the tide rushes in…"