WookieeByte: A bus ad in London.
Vvictrolla: I'm gonna quit my job and be a fulltime lamp maker.
bin6er: Jake Yawning
bin6er: Jake and Maryann
NikkorEyes108: chicago_5397
NikkorEyes108: chicago_4186
bin6er: The Peppermill
bin6er: Jake and Heidi
bin6er: Jake Sunbathing
Vvictrolla: Bin6er and NickxLeoni
Vvictrolla: DSC_0251
Vvictrolla: DSC_0272
full_exposure: Brian Wow
full_exposure: Visiting dinosours with @devcrawford and @prettydavid.
full_exposure: Nick and I in Havasu
imjengirl: P4210034
imjengirl: P4220091
imjengirl: P4220096
imjengirl: P4220097
imjengirl: P4220105
Vvictrolla: DSC_0496_2
Vvictrolla: DSC_0497_2
Vvictrolla: DSC_0507_2
full_exposure: Valentine's Day Dinner
deeobrecca: photo.jpg
Cinephile_66: IMG_0589
Cinephile_66: IMG_0601