Devilina07: We went to a Buccs game on Sunday. They lost but it was a fun day at my (our) first NFL game even though it was hot as balls. Thank you @evandongen2 for my Christmas present! ❤️ You're a trooper for putting up with my sports loving. #tampabaybucca
Devilina07: We took this little jelly Bean to Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party. She had the time of her life and got her weight in candy. Glad I have friends with kids so I have an excuse to go. #halloween #magickingdom #candy
Devilina07: Halloween at the office. Theme: You've Been Flocked! #halloween #office #work #flamingos
Devilina07: Bye bye. Until next time. #seattle #birthday #vacation
Devilina07: Happy Birthday to me! Thank you for the game tickets even though I know you don't like baseball and you willingly stayed through the whole game. I appreciate you more than you know. #seattle #birthday #mariners #baseball
Devilina07: Tonight's sunset. I love this sport. Truly. To move the world we must first move ourselves. Come move with us this week! Try us out for free! Sign up on Meetup: Orlando Dragon Boat Club. Next practice is Tuesday, 8/7/18. #orlandohealth #orlandodra
Devilina07: Little Five Points. A birthday trip to Atlanta for this goofball. Happy Birthday Eric. <3
Devilina07: Inside the Met.
Devilina07: Inside the Met.
Devilina07: Inside the Met.
Devilina07: Inside the Met.
Devilina07: Inside the Met.
Devilina07: Inside the Met.
Devilina07: Inside the Met.
Devilina07: Inside the Met.
Devilina07: Inside the Met.
Devilina07: Inside the Met.
Devilina07: Inside the Met.
Devilina07: Inside the Met.
Devilina07: I have this thing with floors. Inside the Met.
Devilina07: Inside the Met.
Devilina07: Inside the Met.
Devilina07: Inside the Met.
Devilina07: Inside the Met.
Devilina07: Inside the Met.
Devilina07: Inside the Met.
Devilina07: Inside the Met.
Devilina07: Inside the Met.
Devilina07: Inside the Met.
Devilina07: Inside the Met