johnhallmen: Emerald Damselfly
Dalantech: European Carder II
steb1: Male Emperor Moth 2
RJSchutDigitaal: Zilveren maan - Small pearl-bordered fritillary - Boloria selene
-denju-: Grasshopper (ID?)
linden.g: Juniper Stink Bug (Banasa euchlora)
Thomas Shahan: Habronattus americanus - Wallowa Mountains, Oregon - 2016
GOLDENORFE: Green Bottle feeding #1
ayres_leigh: Gymnosoma
Alan McFadyen: 11th August 2014 Kingfisher in rain on reedmace
Tanjica Photo Art: Beautiful Flower. Geranium Macrorrhizum. Bigroot Geranium. Zdravac. Best Plants for the Garden. Tanjica Perovic Photography.
Eddie The Bugman: Blue Planet
Muzby1801: "Love is in the air"
Jan Hamrsky: Darner dragonfly (Aeshnidae) nymph on the hunt. Sequence 6 of 6
RJSchutDigitaal: Steenrode heidelibel - Vagrant Darter - Sympetrum vulgatum
Nikola Rahme: Drypta close-up
shikhei: Dragonfly
Nikola Rahme: Fly grabs fly
Nikola Rahme: Shine on!
GOLDENORFE: Large White Portrait 2013 #1
johnhallmen: Crab spider with breakfast
~Simmy~: Hesperia comma & Colias croceus
Jürgen... / OFF....: Silbergrüner Bläuling
Kvejlend: Hadovka
andredekesel: Damselfly on a fishy stick
Eddie The Bugman: ~Blue Monday~
Muzby1801: The lovers return to earth!
Lord V: Darter dragonfly #1
linden.g: Soap film mixed with a 5,000 Volt ion wind