DES_Wildlife_Photos: 06082021DSC_0420DSC_0420
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Barred Owl in the shadows
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Barred Owl in the shadows
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Barred Owl checking out area.
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Barred Owl in the morning light.
DES_Wildlife_Photos: 2 young Barred Owls hanging out together
DES_Wildlife_Photos: A backlit Barred Owl on a beautiful evening.
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Barred Owl in the trees.
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Barred Owl on a hot evening
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Barred Owl in a sliver of morning light.
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Barred Owl morning focus
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Barred Owl showing the heart tail feathers
DES_Wildlife_Photos: An early morning Barred Owl
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Barred Owl momma with prey for her kids
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Two Barred Owlets
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Barred Owls. Mom feeding youngster