DES_Wildlife_Photos: Redtail Hawk
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Trumpeter Swans passing by a tree filled with Eagles
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Bald Eagle passing overhead
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Harris’s Sparrow
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Barred Owl in fall foliage
DES_Wildlife_Photos: White-breasted Nuthatch
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Least Bittern success fishing from rocks
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Sandhill Crane standing tall.
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Yellow-crowned Night Heron fighting with breakfast.
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Least Bittern hunting on the rocks.
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Belted Kingfisher female
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Just be yourself
DES_Wildlife_Photos: A young Bobcat kitten
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Green Heron
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Male Pileated Woodpecker
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Whitetail fawn
DES_Wildlife_Photos: A beautiful Barred Owl in morning light.
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Belted Kingfisher
DES_Wildlife_Photos: A screaming Belted Kingfisher
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Killdeer chick
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Sandhill Crane mother with Colt
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Belted Kingfisher mother feeding her young
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Belted Kingfisher mother feeding her young
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Mourning Dove with a little nature flare.
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Common Yellowthroat male
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Wood Duck drake
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Bald Eagle in flight
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Northern Cardinal in flight
DES_Wildlife_Photos: A Green Heron flyby
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Wood Duck drake