DES_Wildlife_Photos: Bald Eagle in flight
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Bald Eagle perched on a sunny day.
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Bald Eagle in flight on a bright sunny morning.
DES_Wildlife_Photos: 04282021DSC_2442DSC_2442
DES_Wildlife_Photos: 05112021DSC_5045-sharpDSC_5045-sharp
DES_Wildlife_Photos: 06092021DSC_0528DSC_0528
DES_Wildlife_Photos: 2021 Eaglets (two out of the three)
DES_Wildlife_Photos: 2021 Fledged Eaglet taking flight
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Eaglet with mean looking wing stretch.
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Takeoff stance
DES_Wildlife_Photos: The Take-off
DES_Wildlife_Photos: 07152021_Juvenile in Flight 2021
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Juvenile stare
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Cleopatra and Mark enjoying a beautiful morning.
DES_Wildlife_Photos: 08222021JuvieJuvie
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Bald Eagle in flight. Love the wing feathers curl on the ends.
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Lawrence bringing in a large stick for nest
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Bald Eagle in the Harvest Moon. 2021
DES_Wildlife_Photos: The Eagle Cry!
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Bald Eagle couple on a cloudy day.
DES_Wildlife_Photos: Bald Eagle pair
DES_Wildlife_Photos: juvenile Bald Eagle
DES_Wildlife_Photos: 10222021DSC_5417DSC_5417
DES_Wildlife_Photos: 10242021DSC_5033-DDSC_5033-D