desmond.bliek: Gloga, moga, and marga...
desmond.bliek: Road trip
desmond.bliek: Das Auge des Tigers!
desmond.bliek: I got the hat at an auction...
desmond.bliek: Why is the bike rack like that, dad? #yycbike @marketonmacleod
desmond.bliek: Great café names, too
desmond.bliek: Lots of triangles, steep hills, and no, not everything always needs a full curb
desmond.bliek: Lots of bikes today...
desmond.bliek: Great street names in Seattle
desmond.bliek: Slow pizza
desmond.bliek: Does carrying your skis really make you tough?
desmond.bliek: Family ride
desmond.bliek: G on the bike! (Still working out the right system for 2 kids on 1 bike)
desmond.bliek: Reverse chinook arch?
desmond.bliek: Straight from the (empty) source
desmond.bliek: Reading a lot about tigers these days, so music was in order
desmond.bliek: Early birthday dinner
desmond.bliek: Pre-dinner stride
desmond.bliek: Successful funny faces
desmond.bliek: What does the dog say again, mum?
desmond.bliek: How did the water get in my boots?!
desmond.bliek: Neighbourhood debate on a lamppost...
desmond.bliek: Yes, I do love prunes!
desmond.bliek: A vertebra! Maybe from a t-rex dino...
desmond.bliek: Muddy Lindsay's Folly
desmond.bliek: Cold! Elbow River
desmond.bliek: First day of astronaut training
desmond.bliek: Everyone was on the pathways, taking sunset pics