wild friday: Approaching the Romagna wreck
wild friday: Romagna wreck - In one of the cargo bays
wild friday: Romagna wreck - The gash in the bow
wild friday: Romagna wreck - The stern of the ship
wild friday: Romagna wreck - The stern of the ship
G i a c o m o - M a c i s: The Frozen Rose
miss.hudson: IMG_3402
The_PartyBOY: Baños de Doña María de Padilla
thinlie: Nikon 14-24 w/Cokin X-pro filter
Pierlu69: ....se non fossi ateo avrei pregato....
boltron-: LIKE A ROCK
.alexgallo: Marco
consul78: Tecnica della giraffa
consul78: Luci ed Ombre
G i a c o m o - M a c i s: D E E P - T O R S I O N
cristianocani: Sistema difensivo della Cittadella di Cagliari