Design Sojourn: Painfully good truffle fries.
Design Sojourn: Long time since I bought a magazine. Could not find anything cheaper. Lol.
Design Sojourn: Elements of Patient Centred Leadership. (Nice!)
Design Sojourn: About to give a talk on Creating Meaningful Experiences for Patients at the SingHealth - BJM Symposium.
Design Sojourn: Breakfast after an early morning meeting.
Design Sojourn: It took a team of Avengers and this 2 brothers to make the #sgheartmap happen. Well done bros!
Design Sojourn: Launch of the super awesome crowd sourcing project of the citizen's 50 favourite places in Singapore. Well done team! #sgheartmap
Design Sojourn: A homemade mid afternoon affogato, to make crunching a report less painful.
Design Sojourn: Chocolate ice cream and banana for dessert. Great to unwind.
Design Sojourn: Eggs Benedict.
Design Sojourn: Finally a sit down. Gourmet coffee.
Design Sojourn: National anthem time!
Design Sojourn: So epic! At the Brazil vs Japan game.
Design Sojourn: Posters from our booth at the Tech Innovation conference!
Design Sojourn: Ideation ideas in Day 2!
Design Sojourn: Facilitating ethnographic techniques and extracting customer insights at our Intelligent Wellness Design Thinking bootcamp.
Design Sojourn: Deep diving focus groups with persons with disabilities. Using #Design to make their lives better.
Design Sojourn: Fast customer journey mapping exercises at our Intelligent Wellness Design Thinking bootcamp.
Design Sojourn: Lamb and pita.
Design Sojourn: Sticky date pudding. Oh my!
Design Sojourn: Waffle! Yum!
Design Sojourn: Accompanied with a big breakfast.
Design Sojourn: Soy mocha. Heavenly and choked on the chocolate...
Design Sojourn: Such beautiful colors. #nofilter #vegetables
Design Sojourn: Bara Chirashi for Lunch.
Design Sojourn: Reviewing ethnographic data at our Design Thinking workshop with a MNC client in the semiconductor industry.
Design Sojourn: Lup Cheong, in 3 ways. With rice.
Design Sojourn: Deep fried yellow fish.
Design Sojourn: Lobster, fried with salted egg. #nomnom
Design Sojourn: Aerodynamic view of a suckling pig. #nomnom