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Márcia_Marton: The Right Time
Márcia_Marton: London Calling
Matthew Fang: Beautiful night
Aryanna08: Red Rose
Márcia_Marton: um dia de verão/a summer day in Ushuaia
naturesbest: Cone Flower Butterfly
Márcia_Marton: Esponjinhas
Márcia_Marton: Mister Bean and Pedro
TakenByTina: Whew, It's Friday!!!
faronspix: cherub of the garden
ichiro kishimi: rice field
Le Devegili Shots: Nuvens Brilhantes - Shining Clouds
Le Devegili Shots: Sunset Indaiatuba
Martin LaBar: red lily, close up
Martin LaBar: Partly open rose, orange, red and yellow
melepix: Gone Wild
jacoreflex: Paysage du Cezalliier
vyufinder: Wanna Play?
gülşah: Meşgul Arı...
dukematthew2000: Yes, can I help you?
oyunfound: deep colors
oyunfound: Coolest flower ever, it's got tails
Márcia_Marton: queda d'água
Márcia_Marton: Salto Grande
Linee: Batavia
Linee: Humide
Márcia_Marton: Loneliness
David Lev: Syrphidae Fly