Photos By JM: Face To Face
Photos By JM: Bumble Bee
Fojo1: Sports - Surfing in Black and White
Photos By JM: Holy Hollyhock
Photos By JM: American Widgeons
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Photos By JM: Attack Mode
Earl Reinink: It's brewski time.
Photos By JM: Chestnut-sided Warbler
ExposuresToNature: Leperouse Glacier at Sunset,
Rob & Amy Lavoie: Red Bellied in April Snow
Corey Hayes: Northern Horned Lark
Photos By JM: Juvenile Bald Eagle
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AZ Explorations: monumentum (explored)
Rob & Amy Lavoie: Goldfinch on the Wild Flowers (Canon R5)
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Doug Greenberg: California towhee
jt893x: Cheetah
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Earl Reinink: Great Blue Heron with catch
Corey Hayes: Prothonotary warbler
Phil Marion (235 million views - THANKS): Canada Day fireworks and CN Tower in Pride colours - Toronto harbourfront
Gord Sawyer: Eastern Bluebird F
Earl Reinink: The gig is up...
Corey Hayes: Vermilion-Lakes
Earl Reinink: Black-crowned Night Heron with Bowfin
Chris Lue Shing: Incoming
Earl Reinink: Green Heron walks the perch
Corey Hayes: Audubon's warbler