Denube: When you got an itch, you gotta scratch!
Denube: But I am a bird!
Denube: And please God, let me have food all year in 2007
Denube: Be still my beating heart
Denube: Duhhhhh
Denube: He's all thumbs
Denube: Another bird shot?
Denube: Heh, heh, heh, found where they hid the stash
Denube: thistle,schmistle, I'm not fussy
Denube: The acrobat is back
Denube: Where's Bullwinkle
Denube: My contortionist little friend
Denube: Hang in there baby
Denube: This reeks of desperation
Denube: That dastardly varmit
Denube: scrounging for seeds
Denube: Come on out!
Denube: Portrait of a thief!
Denube: Birdbath shmirdbath!
Denube: A weathervane!
Denube: Looking guilty!
Denube: Squirrel Antics!