Denube: Egret
Denube: I have a song to sing and I'm going to sing it!
Denube: Caught in Flight
Denube: Willow's 5th Birthday
Denube: Young Gosling
Denube: My Kaddy
Denube: Mr. Turtle
Denube: Caught in Flight
Denube: Mr. Froggie
Denube: Hmmmpf
Denube: Eastern Screech Owl
Denube: A family shot
Denube: Weird Snow Face
Denube: Bailey - Our smiling baby
Denube: Red Spotted Purple Butterfly
Denube: Swallowtail taking a break
Denube: Bailey
Denube: Hawk looking very proud
Denube: Playful Bailey
Denube: The Bald Eagles of Conowingo Dam
Denube: My little love
Denube: Luna Moth
Denube: Bailey's Graduation
Denube: My Grandbird - Peter
Denube: Willow's Third Birthday
Denube: It's a Dog's Life
Denube: Our new baby!
Denube: Happy Birthday Erin!
Denube: Hmmmmmpf!
Denube: Highstepping!