Denube: Quoth the raven - 'Nevermore'
Denube: "I will survive"
Denube: Phew, made it through another year!
Denube: Hmmphhhh!
Denube: Tee hee, that was a good one
Denube: Cheetah looking very smug
Denube: Don't mess with him!
Denube: Mug shot - America's most wanted
Denube: Ostrich
Denube: Am I black on white or white on black?
Denube: "I see you"
Denube: Ahhhhh, this is the life
Denube: I didn't inhale.
Denube: Chimp profile (in need of orthodontia)
Denube: "Ha ha ha, that was a good one!"
Denube: "So, as I was saying, she looked simply dreadful in that coat!"
Denube: After a night of partying, this hyena isn't laughing!
Denube: "1 mississippi, 2 mississippi, ready or not, here I come!"
Denube: Ahhhhh, this feels so good!
Denube: Shall we dance!
Denube: Hang in there Baby!
Denube: Someone's been playing with my toy!
Denube: Incarceration!
Denube: You don't know me!
Denube: Hmmmpf
Denube: Eastern Screech Owl