Denube: Baby Bunnies in our landscaping
Denube: In the Window
Denube: Checking life outdoors
Denube: Vic in the window
Denube: vic in shadow
Denube: I'm soooo cute
Denube: Peeking out from under covers
Denube: Upside down Victor
Denube: Teenie Victor
Denube: Little Victor
Denube: sleepyvic2
Denube: More Victor
Denube: gross cats
Denube: disgusting cute
Denube: More Phil & Victor
Denube: Phil & Victor
Denube: Bunny in our backyard
Denube: I want Bruno right here, right now!
Denube: our neighbor horse
Denube: One of the cows next door
Denube: Victor snoozing
Denube: Victor in deep thought
Denube: Sleeping Victor
Denube: Calf at the farm next door
Denube: bunnies in the neighborhood
Denube: Lounging in the field
Denube: "I saw it first." " No I did!"
Denube: Get away from my butt
Denube: If I just lie here, maybe she won't notice me
Denube: Who are you and why are you taking my picture?