The Soul of Hope: M for Miscellany. Another peek into the #filofaxjournal I am making for @holddear #filoflax #beholdfilo
The Soul of Hope: Filofax swap Instagram
The Soul of Hope: Journals July 2014
The Soul of Hope: besottmenBEHOLD FILOFAX ART JOURNAL PART ONE: OPENER & QUOTESt_behold_filofax_1c my collection of work so far.
大頭凱莉: 1211 大師的思維果然不一樣
seanleefromchina(an amateur painter): What is in my art bag?我出门写生时包里带什么?
Lost in Scotland: The Moleskine Tower 2013 (stacked)
+Linda: Tumbler
Patrick Ng: Alright boarding soon. Hope I can enter Singapore.
+Linda: Last winter, in Suanbo
+Linda: Teabags
y o k o: 台北日誌08
y o k o: 台北日誌04
noriko.stardust: Miniature Artist Paint Box
GourmetPens: TWSBI Diamond 580 Writing Sample
Page*: 20121227
Page*: 20121227-2
Patrick Ng: Star Ferry: HK law requires only 5 crews onboard, but we have 7 in every ride: Coxwain, Assistant Coxwain, 1 sailor on upper deck, 3 sailors on lower deck and 1 standby engineer.
AlondraKarwowski: #filofax #planner #halfweek #busybee
Cute Organizing: handmade day per page refills
harpsicello: 紙膠帶&手帳收納抽屜櫃
Liz Steel Art: 111026 Borromini in Pilot Parallel
inkophile: 22 Inks in 20 Fountain Pens
inkophile: Fountain Pen Line Comparisons
carmacke~: ink demonstration