dbadair: Bald Eagle feeding only one chick this year
dbadair: Bald Eagle leaving for food
dbadair: Bald Eagle taking flight
dbadair: Bald Eagle protecting nest and waiting for other parent
dbadair: Bald Eagle cleaning beak
dbadair: Bald Eagle with an eitch
dbadair: Bald Eagle in flight
dbadair: Bald Eagle in flight
dbadair: Bald Eagle in flight
dbadair: Bald Eagle in flight to a power pole
dbadair: Tierra Verde Bald Eagle landing
dbadair: Tierra Verde Bald Eagle talking to the only person in the area ME
dbadair: Bald Eagle talking to the only person in the area ME
dbadair: Bald Eagle leaving power pole after 10 minutes
dbadair: Tierra Verde Bald Eagle leaving power pole
dbadair: Lynda White of Audubon Society, with a baby eagle chick rescued from Lake Okechobee was placed in a new nest
dbadair: Aududon Society volunteer Jim Lott with adult eagle inflight above
dbadair: Aududon Society volunteer Jim Lott helped secure the baby eaglet in its new nest by climbing the tree and pulling it up in a bag.
dbadair: Aududon Society volunteer Jim Lott helped secure the baby eaglet in its new nest by climbing the tree and pulling it up in a bag.
dbadair: After Orphaned baby eagle placed in nest new parent returns
dbadair: After Orphaned baby eagle placed in nest new parent returns
dbadair: After Orphaned baby eagle placed in nest new parent returns
dbadair: Eagle Takeoff from Nest
dbadair: Pair of American Bald Eagles Mating
dbadair: American Bald Eagle Inflight
dbadair: Bald Eagle inflight