Dirk Böhling: Seit Ewigkeiten im Gebrauch ... / For ages in use ...
Dirk Böhling: Atlantikwall Kryle / The Atlantic Wall Kryle
Dirk Böhling: Lieblingsplatz / Favorite place
trumpet.saw: fly high
anders.rorgren: American flag somewhere in New York City
davidshred: Misty Castle Ruin in Sweden
jensthelander: Through to the light
Sara@Shotley: Baltic Sea Jetty, Ystad, Skane.
Jip van Kuijk: Look a shark!
That damned elusive sha-ah-dow: Palace Pier, Brighton
anders.rorgren: old school shooter
Anita Kson: Nyfikna kalvar i hösten
s_p_o_c: Kåseberga hamn, Kåseberga
WPalank: Les Papillon
- Hilmo -: M9-1044759