swissbound: IMG_7482-19
hkvam: fight shadows
IrenaS: Autumn in New York
Lotterhand: Festive Nostalgia
4PIZON: Idea !!!!
Lotterhand: around and around...
swissbound: IMG_489456
yospyn: Baby Opossum, Rock Creek Park
Papa Razzi1: Disclaimer
Lotterhand: Florida Cottonmouths
hanan bercu: Me & My Shadow
hawaiiandee12: DSC_0134.jpg
Trey Ratcliff: The Distant Mist
gapey: Smoking Gun
hawaiiandee12: DSC_0223.jpg
manyfires: for the love of film
zachstern: It's Alright
lostfate13: Vincent
Lotterhand: 3 years ago she weighed a fragile 3.5lbs!
OneEighteen: Jack Sparrow Moment, B&W
Lotterhand: wow.......
demostene35: APTOPIX Evening Sky
swissbound: IMG_6905
steve_preston: Banksy Boston (Chinatown)
Papa Razzi1: Hotellviken Saltsjöbaden