Della North:
Women’s Barracks, Tereska Torres, #132, Gold Medal, Fawcett Publications, New York, 5th printing, 1951, cover by Barye Phillips
Della North:
Women in Prison, Joan Henry, #239, Perma Star, Permabooks, Doubleday and Co., New York, 1952
Della North:
Web of Murder, Harry Whittington, #740, Gold Medal Books, Fawcett Publications, New York, 1958
Della North:
Ward Nurse, Mitchell Coleman, #739, Original Novels, New York, 1954
Della North:
Wake for a Lady, H W Roden, #345, Dell, New York, 1946
Della North:
Up at the Villa, W Somerset Maugham, #136, Bantam Books, USA, 2nd printing, 1950
Della North:
The Wheel and the Hearth, Lucia Moore, #15, Ballantine Books, New York, 1953, cover by Verne Tossey
Della North:
Through a Glass, Darkly, Helen McCloy, #519, Dell Books, New York, 1950, cover by Robert Stanley
Della North:
The Tulip Tree, Howard Rigby, #53-842, Paperback Library Gothic, New York, 1965, cover by Victor Kalin
Della North:
The Strange Path, Gale Wilhelm, #121, Lion Books, New York, 1953
Della North:
The Road Through the Wall, Shirley Jackson, #36, Lion Books, New York, 1950, cover by Harvey Kidder
Della North:
The Proving Flight, David Beaty, #M4093, Perma Books, New York, 1st printing, 1957
Della North:
The Pitfall, Jay Dratler, #710, Bantam, 1949, cover by Peter Paul
Della North:
The Payoff, Max Collier, #F232, Midwood, Tower Publications, New York, 1963, cover by Paul Rader
Della North:
The Murder of the Missing Link, Vercors, #1206, Pocket Books, New York, 2nd printing, 1958, cover by Clark Hulings
Della North:
The Mesh, Lucie Marchal, #862, Bantam Books, New York, 1st printing, 1951
Della North:
The Girl in the Black Chemise, Les Scott, #B 179, Beacon Books, New York, 1952
Della North:
The Gay Ones, Eve Linkletter, #Z124, Fabian Books, California, 1958
Della North:
The Foolish Virgin, Kathleen Norris, #525, Pocket Books, New York, 1948, cover by Barye Phillips
Della North:
The Family Nobody Wanted, Helen Doss, #169, Monarch Books, 1960
Della North:
The Crimson Frame, Aylwin Lee Martin, #253, Gold Medal Books, Fawcett Publications, New York, 1952, cover by Barye Phillips
Della North:
The Chiselers, Albert Conroy, #289, Gold Medal, Fawcett Publications, New York, 1st printing, 1953
Della North:
The Case of the One-Eyed Witness, Erle Stanley Gardner, #4526, Pocket Books, New York, 9th printing, 1963
Della North:
The Case of the Half-Wakened Wife, Erle Stanley Gardner, #C283, Cardinal Edition, Pocket Books, New York, 3rd printing, 1958, cover by Mitchell Hooks
Della North:
The Baby Doll Murders, James O Causey, #698, Gold Medal Books, Fawcett Publications, New York, 1957, cover by Barye Phillips
Della North:
The Boomerang Clue, Agatha Christie, #D340, Dell, New York, 1960, cover by William Teason
Della North:
Tender Torment, Randy Salem, #F172, Midwood, Tower Publications, New York, 1962, cover by Paul Rader
Della North:
Tell It on the Drums, Robert W Krepps, #D156, Dell Books, New York, 1955, cover by Robert Stanley
Della North:
Sudden Fear, Edna Sherry, #604, Dell Books, New York, n. d., copyright 1948, cover by James Meese
Della North:
Spring Fire, Vin Packer, #222, Gold Medal Books, Fawcett Publications, New York, 1952