delbius: @EricaAmerica current status:
delbius: @evygee not according to the back of the book, but I'm sure we can add some footnotes.
delbius: @evygee you can read it after me.
delbius: My decision to get up and leave was met with no small amount of disdain. (cc @sm, @iano)
delbius: Oh-ho-ho-ho. Ah-ha-hah. Aheh. Ahem.
delbius: @sm @iano
delbius: Now *is* the time for that, I suppose. How much of a stickler are they for the "chemical" part being true?
delbius: Not only a chocolate but also a strawberry daiquiri.
delbius: no guys it's the #lightningbolts on my sweet "Crank: High Voltage" shirt that help me through tough climbs
delbius: here's a window into my mind you guys now tell me what this tells you:
delbius: @colbay … or you should find the bumpin' locations.
delbius: @dirktolken
delbius: Suggested new state motto for Hawaii: "Your pictures won't need filters applied!"
delbius: @MohtashamUsmani Hey, I spent my weekend in Hawaii. *grin*
delbius: @MohtashamUsmani Hey, I spent my weekend in Hawaii. *grin*
delbius: First wedding, first after-wedding picture. (cc @berncoh, @sperrow, @Che, @n8c33, @aud, @cascadem) #palarcon2011
delbius: The newly-wedded @Che appears to be running a dance clinic for 8-and-unders.
delbius: The view from where we're eating lunch is . . . well, it'll do.
delbius: don't worry though you guys I packed myself snacks for the plane ride
delbius: Tonight @aud and I both climbed our first 5.11A at @missioncliffs. Our reward: hamburgers.
delbius: Current status:
delbius: @sm Marzipan's sad he couldn't be there to watch you walk down the aisle!
delbius: Two book titles, two vaguely disconcerting topics.
delbius: No, @marzipanthedog, I'm not going to make you get up. Jerk.
delbius: Look, I'm just saying — if your Jell-O shots aren't prepared + served in real fruit rinds, it's amateurish.
delbius: So far today has been slicing fruit rinds, peeling clementines, + getting the cat a lion cut. #2legit
delbius: Heading to SF from NC w/my favorite cake, made by my grandma, safely in my carry-on & looking incredibly suspicious.
delbius: Hotter than a hootenanny.
delbius: what North Carolina I don't even … it's not the heat it's the humidity / it's not the heat it's the humidity
delbius: Flummoxed.