defmech: O #architecture #glasgow #scotland
defmech: £2.99 for a bomber of Hop Fiction in ALDI! #craftbeer
defmech: Satur-yay! Pecan Mud Imperial Stout from @omnipollo #craftbeer
defmech: Blue #glasgow #scotland #bluesky
defmech: Peanut Butter Milk Stout #craftbeer 🍻
defmech: Into the light. #Architecture #glasgow #scotland
defmech: Fade to Black from @weirdbeardbrewco #craftbeer
defmech: Corner #Architecture #edinburgh #scotland
defmech: Should I? It is Saturday. #craftbeer
defmech: Imperial Mango IPA from Thornbridge #craftbeer
defmech: #Architecture #glasgow #scotland
defmech: Gallus #craftbeer #glasgow
defmech: 🍊 #craftbeer
defmech: 45° #nintendoswitch
defmech: Black Sunshine β€” Black IPA from Manchester Marble Brewery #craftbeer
defmech: DEATH II β€” unfiltered passionfruit & mango IPA from DEADEND Brew Machine #craftbeer
defmech: Tower #architecture #glasgow #scotland
defmech: 🚴 Fuel
defmech: Roofline #architecture #glasgow #scotland #zahahadid
defmech: This is my BOOMSTICK! 500ml of 11% Triple IPA! Un-Human Cannonball from @magicrockbrewing #craftbeer #imminenthangover
defmech: Latest VR experiment β€” Bacteria VR (link in bio) #aframevr #threejs #javascript #webvr
defmech: Panel β€” But from what?
defmech: β€œIn the dark we live” Black IPA with Blackberries, Blackcurrants and black raspberries. 9% @tempestbrewingco #craftbeer
defmech: Good Friday #dipav13 from @cloudwaterbrew #craftbeer
defmech: Handsome #cat #neko
defmech: Finally made it to the Hippo Tap Rooms β€”Hop Whoopin IPA from O'so #craftbeer
defmech: Lighting #architecture #glasgow #scotland #latergram
defmech: The old switcheroo!
defmech: #Architecture #glasgow #scotland
defmech: Ancho Dark Lager (empty) 🍻#craftbeer