deejays123: Lake Wakatipu 4
deejays123: Lake Wakatipu 3
deejays123: Silvery birch ...............
deejays123: Lake Wakatipu 2 .......
deejays123: Variations on a theme 1........
deejays123: Variations on a theme 2.............
deejays123: Iris 3
deejays123: Iris 4
deejays123: Iris 2 ......
deejays123: Iris 1 ......
deejays123: Panorama
deejays123: Up,Up and Away 2.......
deejays123: Up,Up and Away 1 ........
deejays123: Milford Sound 3......
deejays123: Mitre Peak mono (Milford Sound 4)
deejays123: Hello, Oz !.......
deejays123: Milford Sound 2 ......
deejays123: Wait for me !
deejays123: Mitre Peak (Milford Sound 1) ......
deejays123: 2. Taken from the "Battling Betty Bridge"........
deejays123: 3. Taken from "The Battling Betty" bridge ......
deejays123: 1Taken from the "Battling Betty Bridge"........
deejays123: 'The Remarkables' mountain range
deejays123: Queenstown Panorama 2
deejays123: Queenstown panorama 1.
deejays123: Lake Wakatipu 1 Happy Christmas to you all, from the other side of the world .
deejays123: Sorting through .....
deejays123: Sorting through.....
deejays123: Sorting through.......
deejays123: Sorting through .....