decibeloh: Lazy Sunday morning at Mom and Dads.
decibeloh: Went to the Toledo Walleye Hockey game tonight. We lost. Boo-urns.
decibeloh: Date night!!
decibeloh: Family outing to see Mom
decibeloh: Jingre berrs, jingre berrs, jingre arr da waaaay....
decibeloh: Peek-a-boo!!
decibeloh: Got my hurr did yesterday. And did some facial manscaping.
decibeloh: Tink at the top of the tree
decibeloh: Eeyore and tigger....
decibeloh: Came home and Chris did this today...
decibeloh: Made tacos tonight. Yum.
decibeloh: Getting my brakes looked at.
decibeloh: .... Ok I can't argue this. Lol
decibeloh: There's a run on twinkies. Noooooooo.....
decibeloh: Bored now at work....So more pics...
decibeloh: Having a wonderful fall day. The joust was fun as always.
decibeloh: Working from home this afternoon on the porch... Gorgeous day for it.
decibeloh: Sunday drive downtown to the market.
decibeloh: Eli's BBQ. Pulled pork realness with fabulous cole slaw on top. Nom.
decibeloh: Findlay Market Moerlein Biergarten. With 5 BBQ vendors which was awesome.
decibeloh: Wow... When Chris and I were young and prettier... Gay days 2006... @kybigstew
decibeloh: Bar night!!!
decibeloh: The Dari Bar in Silver Grove, KY. It's like I stepped back in time 50 years.
decibeloh: Barbecue nom nom nom
decibeloh: Waiting on our dinner. The staff encourage you to go thru their vinyl and spin tunes. Listening to old Joe Cocker now. Can't wait to try the food.
decibeloh: Nappy time!!!
decibeloh: Bacon wrapped meatloaf!!!!!
decibeloh: You bend..... And snap!
decibeloh: Coffee mug(gle)