dechtu: Woodpecker at a Feeder
dechtu: Horror Frost in Iowa (DailyBooth #522)
dechtu: Zelda from the Right
dechtu: Zelda Standing (DailyBooth #494)
dechtu: Bare Trees
dechtu: Fall Field at Pioneer's Park
dechtu: Kazoo's Blind Gaze
dechtu: Kazoo the Barn Owl (DailyBooth #481)
dechtu: Kazoo's Blind Inspection
dechtu: Kestrel's Eye View
dechtu: Kestrel Turning Around
dechtu: Side Portrait of an American Kestrel
dechtu: Buffalo Getting a Drink
dechtu: Fall Setting at Pioneer's Park
dechtu: Feathers of a Bald Eagle
dechtu: Elk on a Hill
dechtu: Clovers Out of Stone
dechtu: Seeing Red
dechtu: Mueller Tower (DailyBooth #457)
dechtu: Callie's Silly Sad Face
dechtu: Zelda and I Looking at Each Other
dechtu: Callie's Fore Paws
dechtu: Zelda's Back Paws
dechtu: Zelda's Silly Smile
dechtu: Sunshined Tired Zelda (DailyBooth #450)
dechtu: Bird in a Tree
dechtu: Pickle & Pinky (DailyBooth #410)
dechtu: Towel Rack Reflection (DailyBooth #409)
dechtu: Callie Looking Left (DailyBooth #408)
dechtu: Chogo (DailyBooth #407)