Deb Evans Braun: self expression prevails : it won't be cleaned up
Deb Evans Braun: keep it light enough to travel.
Deb Evans Braun: Oakland streets with the new eyes of a traveler.
Deb Evans Braun: we inhabit our illusions of solitude : we ride on : thighs and elbows touching
Deb Evans Braun: sitting together with lifetimes between
Deb Evans Braun: not my train.
Deb Evans Braun: synched cross
Deb Evans Braun: a dream together
Deb Evans Braun: come set a spell
Deb Evans Braun: things are looking up
Deb Evans Braun: the pond : morning
Deb Evans Braun: we had a ball.
Deb Evans Braun: no breadcrumb trail
Deb Evans Braun: between out and in
Deb Evans Braun: requests of the sea
Deb Evans Braun: envelope
Deb Evans Braun: never too early, never too soon
Deb Evans Braun: mama's spirits
Deb Evans Braun: active waiting
Deb Evans Braun: The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable, a perpetual series of occasions for hope. -John Buchan
Deb Evans Braun: we'll walk it together.
Deb Evans Braun: you're not like me.
Deb Evans Braun: at Rob's gallery
Deb Evans Braun: at Rob's gallery : 2
Deb Evans Braun: a fifth and a straw. thank you.