Deb Evans Braun: breathing in the salty fog
Deb Evans Braun: headed back home
Deb Evans Braun: clouds ebb
Deb Evans Braun: just enough
Deb Evans Braun: connect me to you
Deb Evans Braun: out the back window
Deb Evans Braun: the last moments lovely as the first
Deb Evans Braun: this was the magic
Deb Evans Braun: no right and no wrong - only forward
Deb Evans Braun: my life has grown, not straight up tall like a pine, but twisted and splayed like a desert shrub, this way and that as the wind shifts, crazy turns, arms akimbo, bleached by the sun.
Deb Evans Braun: High Sierra
Deb Evans Braun: the way into my secret heart
Deb Evans Braun: that was good.
Deb Evans Braun: one last embrace.
Deb Evans Braun: point cabrillo light house, CA
Deb Evans Braun: alone. and not alone.
Deb Evans Braun: a fifth and a straw. thank you.
Deb Evans Braun: at Rob's gallery : 2
Deb Evans Braun: at Rob's gallery
Deb Evans Braun: you're not like me.
Deb Evans Braun: we'll walk it together.
Deb Evans Braun: The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable, a perpetual series of occasions for hope. -John Buchan
Deb Evans Braun: active waiting
Deb Evans Braun: mama's spirits
Deb Evans Braun: she doesn't really talk about how she feels.
Deb Evans Braun: alternative plans
Deb Evans Braun: the wind's footsteps
Deb Evans Braun: ease + security - Pillar Point
Deb Evans Braun: sturdy - Pillar Point
Deb Evans Braun: unraveling - Pillar Point