Deb Evans Braun: the sea takes no notice
Deb Evans Braun: sunday morning decisions
Deb Evans Braun: beyond horizon, infinite repeat
Deb Evans Braun: see your wings right beside you
Deb Evans Braun: we build shrines : we leave offerings
Deb Evans Braun: a-tangle.
Deb Evans Braun: many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after. Henry David Thoreau
Deb Evans Braun: come with me, my love... (the cat power version)
Deb Evans Braun: fade in.
Deb Evans Braun: Every day we warm ourselves by Fire, Wash ourselves in Water, Feel the Wind in our hair, Walk upon the Earth. In honor of the Four elements Fire, Water, Wind and Earth you may submit up to FOUR entries but please make sure they are new posts and they are
Deb Evans Braun: Every day we warm ourselves by Fire, Wash ourselves in Water, Feel the Wind in our hair, Walk upon the Earth. In honor of the Four elements Fire, Water, Wind and Earth you may submit up to FOUR entries but please make sure they are new posts and they are
Deb Evans Braun: aw yeah : i like your moves.
Deb Evans Braun: i notice the ocean doesn't wish to be a rock : it ebbs and churns and flows as is it's way.
Deb Evans Braun: sunny sausalito sailboats
Deb Evans Braun: There's still time! ... For #Homework45 we want you to celebrate the awesome moods of mother nature. This week's Homework is all about putting the weather in center stage. It's all we can talk about when it's hot and all we can complain about when it's c
Deb Evans Braun: good foggy morning to ya! #bwwednesday
Deb Evans Braun: sutro baths
Deb Evans Braun: beach texture : morning
Deb Evans Braun: We're asking you to get a little technical for your next assignment. The Rule of Thirds :: The rule of thirds is a compositional rule of thumb in visual arts such as painting, photography and design. The rule states that an image should be imagined as d
Deb Evans Braun: marin headlands : as seen from my secret perch : no visitor's hours
Deb Evans Braun: time passes : a different beauty : no. 2
Deb Evans Braun: #bwwednesday
Deb Evans Braun: secrets : slipped
Deb Evans Braun: honey, i'm home! what's for dinner? (or: chasing @johncurley)
Deb Evans Braun: pacifica