deanspic: Fluid
deanspic: Ripple effect
deanspic: Soft paddling
deanspic: Distorted storm warning...
deanspic: In our wake
deanspic: Direction
deanspic: Shore lines
deanspic: At the end of the day
deanspic: Current
deanspic: Cross-section
deanspic: Pastel sunset on the St. Lawrence River
deanspic: "Chance only favours the prepared mind."....Louis Pasteur
deanspic: Variation on a theme...
deanspic: Passing wake
deanspic: To rudder...
deanspic: Penetrable
deanspic: "Be like water my friend and keep flowing..."
deanspic: Time to move on...
deanspic: Breaking the stillness
deanspic: Distorted Lines...
deanspic: Distorted Lines (2)
deanspic: Wake Lines...
deanspic: Streaking by...
deanspic: Canal Distortion...
deanspic: Corkscrews...
deanspic: Free Again...
deanspic: Breaking the stillness...
deanspic: A Long Stretch
deanspic: Framing the old pier
deanspic: Wake Shadows