deanspic: Gunnelshots on a grey day in late October
deanspic: Gunnelshots on a grey day in late October
deanspic: Gunnelshots on a grey day in late October
deanspic: Gunnelshots on a grey day in late October
deanspic: Beacon
deanspic: Wave abeam!
deanspic: Calm Waters
deanspic: Frosty Shore
deanspic: Splish-splash
deanspic: Long Sault Parkway Bridge
deanspic: Christmas Wish...
deanspic: Paddle Dreaming
deanspic: Paddle Dreaming (2)
deanspic: Paddle Dreaming (3)
deanspic: Time to get serious about paddling...
deanspic: Waterline
deanspic: Freeboard
deanspic: Catching the light
deanspic: Powerstroke!
deanspic: Catching a Crab...
deanspic: Canoe Flare
deanspic: Dream on...
deanspic: Paddling broken ice
deanspic: Paddle wash
deanspic: Straight from hull
deanspic: A light view from the stern
deanspic: Direction