deanpellerziphotography: One More Apple Illusion - Actually My First Attempt.
deanpellerziphotography: My Apple Illusion
deanpellerziphotography: Not a Picture of an Apple.
deanpellerziphotography: Christmas is Coming!
deanpellerziphotography: Happy Birthday!
deanpellerziphotography: Woah! That's going to be a mess!
deanpellerziphotography: One Umbrella Christmas Portrait
deanpellerziphotography: What Do You Want for Christmas? Ummm...
deanpellerziphotography: w/mat and frame
deanpellerziphotography: Big Group in a Big Dark Room - Not Impossible!
deanpellerziphotography: Mango with a Ring
deanpellerziphotography: Mango with a Ring
deanpellerziphotography: Archway Frosty Lemon Cookie Breakfast Bliss
deanpellerziphotography: I Though I Had an Idea. Not Sure, but at least it's bright.
deanpellerziphotography: AvoSquircle! Avocado and a plate
deanpellerziphotography: StrawSquircleBerry
deanpellerziphotography: The Only Fruit w/ Seeds on the Outside