Trevor Dobson: Milky Way at Gilgering, Western Australia
ses7: Picture Of Carolina Taken During A Spring Photoshoot On The East River Walkway Below 34th Street In New York City. Photo Taken Monday June 19, 2023
Matt Ketter: Anhinga (Anhinga anhinga)
The Library of Congress: [Reverend Leonard Grimes, abolitionist, conductor on the Underground Railroad, and first pastor of Twelfth Baptist Church ("The Fugitives Church"), Boston] (LOC)
goodphotoideas: Hopperesque
okiox: Grey heron and sunset. Ardea cinerea
wernerlohmanns: ...nestmaterial...
goodphotoideas: Bryan Cranston and fans
The Library of Congress: What’s the story here? (LOC)
Will-Jensen-2020: Punta Rassa Sunset (DSC_8631)
Stephen Malagodi: A lovely night at the Twistee Treat. #leicausa #leica #leicaq
DR Pro: Buddhist Monastery outside Katmandu Nepal
DR Pro: Yes, #nofilter #dreamliner Over the Pacific right now. Old, sad flight attendant dude just grumbles "chicken or beef" to everyone and one lady didn't understand so he just keeps saying it over and over and then switches to Spanish and she understands. Kee
DR Pro: My dad's photo from Guilin, China 1985. Slide actually. This what you do on a 14 hour flight, edit photos. #guilin #china #photography #slide #travel #latergram #latelatelatergram
pantagrapher: Ringlet