DCvision2006: apple tart
DCvision2006: makin' da caramel...
DCvision2006: almost there...
DCvision2006: cooking action shot
DCvision2006: things have calmed down a bit,
DCvision2006: finished goods chilaxin' in da fridge
DCvision2006: late night cookie goodness
DCvision2006: secret mojo going on...
DCvision2006: ready for immolation...
DCvision2006: baker boy
DCvision2006: I'm in yer kitchen...
DCvision2006: one of those cheesy "what's in yer fridge" photos..
DCvision2006: Carnivore
DCvision2006: toffee apple tart
DCvision2006: cinnamon rolls, pre-frosting...
DCvision2006: sugar at about 270 degrees
DCvision2006: pre toffee
DCvision2006: careful placement
DCvision2006: adding the last drop of toffee
DCvision2006: ham hockin'...
DCvision2006: tools of the cook...
DCvision2006: greeny goodness
DCvision2006: like grandma used to make...
DCvision2006: went for the muffins..
DCvision2006: fahr...
DCvision2006: New Year's luck
DCvision2006: don't forget the cornbread
DCvision2006: pork pork baby..
DCvision2006: seasoned pork
DCvision2006: hot pot