Rondalo: IMGP7141
Rondalo: Devin and her dad
Rondalo: IMGP6751
Rondalo: our first wall in place
Rondalo: IMGP6710
Rondalo: IMGP6723
Rondalo: IMGP6729
Rondalo: IMGP6627
Rondalo: IMGP6537
Rondalo: IMGP6533
Rondalo: 2nd week missions team
Abbie Rea's Photos: Two of my best buds =D
Abbie Rea's Photos: Ohhhh man :D
Martin_Heigan: Cricket macro
Antonio Machado: Macro Bee
Tanya Puntti (SLR Photography Guide): macro - Unshaven dragonfly face :)
JC Perdue: 5 gals on a sled...
JC Perdue: Group Shot
JC Perdue: our biggest pyramid
Caleb Hill: Buttercup
Freckles :D: We survived opening weekend!!!! :D
Rondalo: IMGP6009
Rondalo: IMGP6002
Rondalo: IMGP5990