dcnelson1898: Nostrils Flared
dcnelson1898: Walking Horse Walk
dcnelson1898: Gray Wildhorse
dcnelson1898: Salt River Wild Horse
dcnelson1898: Wild Horse in the Brush
dcnelson1898: Another Wildhorse
dcnelson1898: Proud Wild Horse
dcnelson1898: Stallions Talking Smack
dcnelson1898: Two Wildhorses
dcnelson1898: Wild Horse Profile
dcnelson1898: Black Stockings Horse
dcnelson1898: Beautiful Gray Walking
dcnelson1898: Hiding in the Brush
dcnelson1898: Horse Coming my Way
dcnelson1898: Chillin' in the Riverbed
dcnelson1898: Itching a Scratch