dcnelson1898: Welcome to Old Rhinebeck
dcnelson1898: Bleriot XI Cross Country
dcnelson1898: OldMoving Truck
dcnelson1898: Fokker D VIII on the Runway
dcnelson1898: Albatross Ready for the Day
dcnelson1898: New Standard D 25 Takes Off
dcnelson1898: Standard D-25 Prop Blur
dcnelson1898: Taylor J-2 Cub
dcnelson1898: Biplane Rides at Old Rhinebeck
dcnelson1898: Steve Taxiing out
dcnelson1898: Steve Gives the Thumbs Up
dcnelson1898: Post Flight Debrief
dcnelson1898: Curtis Wright Junior CW-1
dcnelson1898: Spirit of St. Louis Replica
dcnelson1898: AEF Spad VII Fighter
dcnelson1898: Getting a Special Tour
dcnelson1898: Walking the Flight Line
dcnelson1898: Fokker D VIII Start Up
dcnelson1898: Parked Curtiss Pusher
dcnelson1898: Nieuport 10 Franch Fighter
dcnelson1898: Fokker Triplane DR-1
dcnelson1898: Siemens-Schuckert D-III
dcnelson1898: Renault Taxi de la Marne
dcnelson1898: New Standard D25 Taking Off
dcnelson1898: Curtiss Robin J-1 Landing
dcnelson1898: Curtiss Robin Profile
dcnelson1898: Biplane Ride in Progress
dcnelson1898: Underside of the D 25
dcnelson1898: Mike in the Ford Raodster
dcnelson1898: Ryan Airlines Pick up Truck