Diane {From Blank Pages...}: Practicing my hand lettering while we hang out at the church for a few. I signed up for some classes by @handlettereddesign and I love what I've learned so far!! Some very basic tips have made a huge improvement n my skills, at least I think so! 😉:wi
Diane {From Blank Pages...}: Guess who is going to be chatting it up with Pat Sloan on Monday??? This girl!! 👋👋 Y'all, I'm so excited!! I hope you'll tune in and listen along (while I most likely make a complete dork of myself! 😏😂)! ❤ We'll be talking about
Diane {From Blank Pages...}: Happy Monday!! 😘 Did you miss the Black Friday sale, but still wanted to grab your favorite patterns?? Now is a perfect time! You can save 20% OFF your entire purchase in my shop! But ACT QUICK! Ends at midnight, PST. (that's 12.5 hours from
Diane {From Blank Pages...}: Happy Monday!! 😘 Did you miss the Black Friday sale, but still wanted to grab your favorite patterns?? Now is a perfect time! You can save 20% OFF your entire purchase in my shop! But ACT QUICK! Ends at midnight, PST. (that's 12.5 hours from
Diane {From Blank Pages...}: Just one of the reasons why I love him!! 💖💖💖 #hesakeeper ❤ He doesn't quilt, but he loves to serve: contributing to the 80's Geese charity quilt by removing the paper from the back for me. :heart_eyes
Diane {From Blank Pages...}: Sneaking in some sewing time here and there and getting the 80's Geese charity blocks sewn together! Halfway there! ❤ #fbp80sGeese ❤ I am so excited for this quilt! It's going to be beautiful!! Thanks to all the amazing women who made these bl
Diane {From Blank Pages...}: Black Friday Sale! Save 30% OFF everything in my shop! Today ONLY! Use code: BF2016 ❤ It's the perfect time to grab all of your favorite patterns! ❤ #fbpPatterns
Diane {From Blank Pages...}: Black Friday sale! Save 30% OFF everything in my shop! TODAY ONLY! ❤ It's the perfect time to get all those patterns on your wish list. 😉 ❤ #fbpPatterns
Diane {From Blank Pages...}: I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!! After spending the entire day in the kitchen cooking, eating, and cleaning, I'm feeling very satisfied and grateful for my family and my many blessings! ❤ AND I'm grateful for YOU!! Thank you for suppor
Diane {From Blank Pages...}: Speaking of my Locked in Spots pattern, check out this AMAZING version that @saija_elina made!!! 😍😍😍 ❤ #fbpLockedinSpots ❤ The pattern is now available in my shop and ready to download!! Just in time for the bl
Diane {From Blank Pages...}: ISO does anyone have this print?? It's Artisan Shimmer in navy by @northcott. @jbcmom3 is making a #fbpLockedinSpots quilt but she doesn't have enough to finish. Looking for up to a yard. Thanks!!
Diane {From Blank Pages...}: Sagittarius is now available to download from my shop and on @becraftsy!! And will be reaching emails soon!! ❤ #fbpSagittarius ❤ I feel like my Zodiac BOM is growing up and about to walk out the door to college. 😂 Coming to the end of the
Diane {From Blank Pages...}: Spent some time alone with this guy today!! 💕💕💕 Happy birthday to my best friend and favorite guy!! 😘 Thanks @neilthebean for being awesome and for stringing me along with you!! I couldn't do this crazy thing
Diane {From Blank Pages...}: The countdown is on!!! If you are a black Friday shopper you won't want to my steepest coupon the year!! Check out my shop for the countdown timer!! ⏰ Coupon code will be posted super early Friday morning!! ❤ Shhh... don't tell, but I've
Diane {From Blank Pages...}: The countdown is on!!! If you are a black Friday shopper you won't want to my steepest coupon the year!! Check out my shop for the countdown timer!! ⏰ Coupon code will be posted super early Friday morning!! ❤ Shhh... don't tell, but I've
Diane {From Blank Pages...}: Doesn't this look absolutely dreamy??!!! 😍😍😍 @finallysewing choose my Hidden Gems block for her quilting bee, and this pattern + these colors = 💞💞💞! ❤ #fbpHiddenGems
Diane {From Blank Pages...}: I have the best view!! Just look at those clouds!! 💞☁💞 I want to eat them! 😏 #bohnsinidaho #myheartisfull #forthebeautyoftheearth
Diane {From Blank Pages...}: I have the best view!! Just look at those clouds!! 💞☁💞 I want to eat them! 😏 #bohnsinidaho #myheartisfull #forthebeautyoftheearth
Diane {From Blank Pages...}: Check out this gorgeous mini that @abby_colorbarquilts made!! Her colors, fabric placement, and quilting are AWESOME!! 💞💞💞 She used my On The Spot pattern, one of my first, and it's so fun to see these ol
Diane {From Blank Pages...}: 💞💞💞 wearing her newest dress that I made for her. 💞💞💞 I hope and pray that you have a beautiful Sabbath and as you take time to reflect on the life of ou
Diane {From Blank Pages...}: @Regrann from @mormondaily - You are worth it to Him. #LDS #Mormon @mormonchannel #Regrann
Diane {From Blank Pages...}: 3 Nephi chapter 4. This is what I am reading this morning and verse 10 is SO powerful and beautiful! The armies of Giddianhi (they were robbers and plunders and murders = the bad guys) were coming to war against the Nephite's (the faithful = good guys). Y
Diane {From Blank Pages...}: Taking a break from life to have fun with my little cuties and enjoy the many blessings I've been so abundantly given!!! 💞 My heart is so full!! 💖 I'm so grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and the healing power of for
Diane {From Blank Pages...}: Sharing my love and this picture of my pretty pillow on this crazy day. I don't feel like there is a whole lot I can do, but I know that looking at pretty quilting stuff always help cheer me up. 😁 So maybe it'll cheer you up too! And hopefully it wil
Diane {From Blank Pages...}: I cannot even tell you how excited I am right now!!!! I have never been so involved in politics as I have been this year, and I have never been so excited to vote!!! The sweet old ladies just giggled when I told them how exciting this is!! 😂😂 And
Diane {From Blank Pages...}: Here's my sewing table, which is our dining table. It rarely looks this clean! 😳😏 I'm just so anxious and excited to go vote that I can't sit still!! I've been cleaning ALL morning waiting for the Mr to come home for lunch so I can go vote!
Diane {From Blank Pages...}: You may have seen this block on my wall in the background of other photos, but I realized that I never official shared it yet. This is my Sweet Dreams pattern!!! ❤ #fbpSweetDreams ❤ this is one that has a story behind the name. Do you want to
Diane {From Blank Pages...}: Happy Monday!!! I'm super excited to announce my Featured 3 Collection!! ❤ I know some of you have been waiting for these patterns and I'm so excited to let you know what they are now available in my shop!! ❤ I have been busy packing the paper
Diane {From Blank Pages...}: I was going to wait to share, but I just can't!!!!! ❤ This summer my Sweet Dreams pillow was included in Issue 23 of Fat Quarterly!! AND it's on the cover!!! (Bottom left) So awesome! ❤ Well, it is one of the patterns that I'll be releasing o
Diane {From Blank Pages...}: Who likes free stuff/added bonuses??? 🙋🙋 If you haven't heard in my newsletter, I'm working on some awesome stuff that will/should be ready on Monday! You won't want to miss it! 😉 ❤ One of my patterns will include a co