Deejay Bafaroy: Impressions of the Christmas Department 🎄
Deejay Bafaroy: Welcome everybody! 😃💜
https://charmedkingdom.com/: New doll. For sell
https://charmedkingdom.com/: New doll. For sell
https://charmedkingdom.com/: New doll. For sell
murvenart: Russian Princess \ Царевна
murvenart: Russian Princess \ Царевна
murvenart: Undead Princess \ Мертвая Царевна
murvenart: Lady in red
murvenart: Lady in red
murvenart: Storyteller
murvenart: Whitesnow OOAK bjd
murvenart: Rapunzel BJD Fables
murvenart: Rapunzel after the haircut
murvenart: Russian Princess \ Царевна
theWolfsEye☼: Ancient Giant ©twe☼
oldfarina1: Keeping and Poppy
oldfarina1: Luchia
olgavareli: sweet dreams
brendakirkley: Flights of Fancy
Joyntz: She is just so, so alive. I'm over the moon happy! I've wanted a MayLee sculpt for a long time. She is the daughter of one of my other Wildflower dolls. The story will unfold...
ruedesabots: Sofia & Aïko, last summer in Le Havre
ruedesabots: Sofia at Le Havre Skatepark
Joyntz: Lamb with a rosemary garlic rub, potatoes (in foil packet) with onions, red bell pepper and dill.
ruedesabots: Sofia & Aïko, last summer in Le Havre
#Sacho#: Untergang