donya luana: The ultimate milestone between little kid and big kid: losing the front two teeth. One down, one to go!
donya luana: Such distinct personalities. Ginger is little lady and wants to please and clean everyone. Oliver loves to snuggle (2 hours of sleeping in my arms like a human newborn last night) and wants all the food, all the time. #gingerandoliver
donya luana: Cutie patootie, Ginger.
donya luana: Gorgeous sight in my backyard. ☀️ + 🌴
donya luana: Family game nights are my favorite. The boys got Hedbanz for Christmas and even my game-hating husband seemed to enjoy it!
donya luana: Spots favorite activity is finding new spots to chill. We’ve had these chairs for almost three years and I don’t recall ever finding him sitting in them.
donya luana: Bath time is rarely quiet with these two.
donya luana: Date night with my favorite guy at my favorite sushi spot.
donya luana: Raising a bookworm, that’s for sure.
donya luana: Finally felt well enough for a workout today! 🎉 This has been the strangest stomach bug I’ve ever had and I have been anxious to jump back in to my exercise routine, but this has also been a good lesson in listening to my body and giving it time to r
donya luana: Back to school and only one of them is good at hiding their feelings about it.
donya luana: Last day of winter break.
donya luana: Coding the morning away. #mitscratch #ephramandalwyn
donya luana: Love catching them crafting and drawing. They’ve been such excellent kids while I’ve been sick.
donya luana: Stuck at home with a stomach bug isn’t the best way to start the New Year... but I buzzed through the Marie Kondo Netflix series and can’t wait to start tidying up the house whenever my energy returns.
donya luana: No one is more sad about the Christmas tree coming down than this guy.
donya luana: Most played with toy from Christmas so far: Lego Boost. I’ll admit, it’s pretty dang cool. I’ve had as much fun building and coding with it as the boys have.
donya luana: Perhaps this will be the year I can stick to a photo a day project? We shall see. I notice I always fall into a photo taking rut come the middle of January, so this first month or so of daily photos will certainly be the most challenging. Cheers to 2019!
donya luana: ✨Cheers to you and yours this Thanksgiving! #gratefuleachandeveryday
donya luana: ✨Cheers to you and yours this Thanksgiving! #gratefuleachandeveryday
donya luana: I struggle with taking time for myself. Anyone else? 🙋‍♀️ I can be real good about it if I happen upon a few spare minutes when everyone is still asleep, but I realized I’ve been listening to a lie I made up. That I’m only allowed time to mys
donya luana: PSA: Always have a back up plan when it comes to your digital files! One wrong click while trying to fix my iMac last week wiped out the mirrored external hard drives (two back ups with the same files) I use. These hold every photo I’ve ever taken of my c
donya luana: Happy Caturday from our furry ⏰ ! ⠀ Seriously... he’s gotten so used to Beau and me waking up at 4am on weekdays that he has decided we don’t need to sleep past 4am on weekends either. Good thing I love mornings! ‍♀️ Are you an early riser or
donya luana: The walls and shelves of our home will be bursting with red, silver, and green🌲holiday decor soon enough, but over the years I’ve learned to love the fall decorations 🍂 almost as much as I love Christmas. Question: When do you d
donya luana: My first thought when I glanced out the window while cooking dinner on this cold, dreary day was: the white balance is way off! I guess that’s what happens after a long day of photo editing in Lightroom... I can’t be the only photographer that catches th
donya luana: I feel like I’m getting pulled in all directions lately. Making dinners, washing bedding, attending school conferences, and editing aaaallll the photos. It’s been a bit of an adjustment to picking up more work now that both boys are in school full time (e
donya luana: Have you ever used Lightroom for photo editing? I can remember learning to use Lightroom to edit photos for the first time while on a road trip to Florida roughly a decade ago. I was so excited to make our vacation photos look amazing! But it was incredib
donya luana: I don’t know what it is about these little birds, but every year I am determined to photograph the heck out of them. Maybe it’s just a fun photo challenge or maybe it’s my way of making sure I enjoy them as much as possible before they head out over the G
donya luana: Used aaaaallll the eggs on a double batch of my favorite carrot cake muffins yesterday. I definitely could eat scrambled eggs every morning for the rest of my life, but I’ve been making these healthy muffins as a nice ready to go option on busier days & L
donya luana: They still fight like mortal enemies occasionally, but thank goodness something clicked somewhere in the last year and they *finally* get along like the best friends I always wanted them to be. ⠀ 👬⠀ Mamas, what’s your go-to strategy